Reminder: BLT Price Increase Soon!

Financial News & Pricing

Only days remain before the scheduled price increase for points purchased at the Bay Lake Tower at Disney's Contemporary Resort.  The base price for the Bay Lake Tower is scheduled to increase from $112 per point to $120 per point on Sunday, October 4, 2009.

Interested buyers should consider the potential impact of this price increase.  Publicly Disney Vacation Club states that it is very pleased with the pace of sales at the Bay Lake Tower.  Discount incentives have gradually been reduced since the spring of 2009 and now they are on the verge of a 7% increase in the base price.  DVC may never offer a lower price for this highly sought-after destination.

Additionally, DVC is currently running an incentive whereby non-members can receive a $25 Disney Gift Card in return for "touring" the resort via telephone.  Literature also promises "a limited-time incentive" for those who participate in the telephone tour.

This reward is available only to those who have a referral from an existing DVC member.  To obtain referral information contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The combination of a $25 reward for taking a no-commitment "tour" and the pending price increase are very compelling reasons to consider a Bay Lake Tower purchase sooner rather than later!