"Stories from the Savanna" promotions

Financial News & Pricing

Viewing opportunities for the "Stories from the Savanna" webcast have begun and we have a rundown of the presentation and special purchase offers available to viewers.

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DVC Webcast - September 2012

The centerpiece of "Stories from the Savanna" is a 20 minute video featuring travel expert Samantha Brown.  This piece focuses almost exclusively on Kidani Village at Disney's Animal Kingdom Villas.  

Following a scavenger hunt theme, Disney Imagineer Tim Warzecha sends Brown to complete 5 challenges which take her from one corner of the resort to another.  Areas featured include the main lobby, savanna viewing pavilions, the Sanaa restaurant, Samawati Springs pool and a look inside one of the resort's Three Bedroom Grand Villas.  

Throughout her hunt, Brown is aided by resort Cast Members including some of its "cultural representatives" from other lands.  The presentation provides a fine overview of the entire resort, while going into additional details on the origin of many resort artifacts and design decisions made when constructing the facility.  

Upon conclusion of the core video, webcast participants are presented with the opportunity to view three additional clips.  The first is a 10 minute Vacation Destinations piece, providing a brief overview of the other Disney Vacation Club resorts and trading opportunities.  Next is a brief (under 2 minute) look at Aulani, Disney Vacation Club villas.  

Finally the Special Offers clip offers a rundown of prices available exclusively to webcast attendees.  

Disney Vacation Club's current promotion is its 20th anniversary "10 for 100" offer in which buyers receive 10 complimentary points for the life of the contract for every 100 purchased.  Webcast offers are in addition to the 10 for 100 promo.  Additional discounts vary depending upon the size of the purchase:

110 to 159 points:  $3 per point discount
160 to 219 points:  $5 per point discount
220 to 329 points:  $7 per point discount
330+ points:  $10 per point discount 

These discounts apply only to Disney's Animal Kingdom Villas and Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas.  Offers may be available for other resorts.  Note that the above pricing is offered to current Disney Vacation Club members adding to their ownership.  Offers for new members may vary.  Additional fees may apply.  Contact a Disney Vacation Club sales agent for complete details. 

This offer is scheduled to end on September 29. 2012.  Webcast registration is still open.  Interested buyers may wish to register and view the webcast in order to potentially save additional dollars on a DVC purchase.  Webcast viewing opportunities run through Saturday, September 15, 2012.