The latest installment in the 'Life at Disney' series highlights a Disney Vacation Club worker at Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa.
The 'Life at Disney' series offers profiles of Disney cast members working in a variety of roles throughout the company. Back in March 2024, it provided a look at Jenn, a Project Manager for Disney Vacation Club. The newest edition introduces us to Charles, an operations cast member for DVC who works out of Aulani in Hawai'i.
Charles is a military veteran who has been with Disney for 14 years. He began his career as a DVC driver and moved on to operations manager before assuming his current role. His responsibilities include oversight of the sales facilities located at Aulani.
In the piece, Charles is quoted as saying: “The aloha spirit we show one another is amazing. I love seeing everyone smiling and happy when we greet each other backstage and on stage.”
Check out the full story along with photos from Charles' career at the Life at Disney site.