Pics of National Harbor Area

Other / Prospective Resort
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A reader happened to be in the National Harbor area on the heels of Disney's recent land purchase and sent along some great photos of the Disney land and surrounding area.

National Harbor 5/26/09

National Harbor welcomes Disney


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National Harbor 5/26/09
A wider view of Disney's property
National Harbor 5/26/09
National Harbor 5/26/09
The waterfront Gaylord National - Disney's property sits behind the red building on the left
 National Harbor 5/26/09
Atrium of the Gaylord National
National Harbor 5/26/09
The Westin Hotel
National Harbor 5/26/09
National Harbor 5/26/09
Walt's friend has already arrived
National Harbor 5/26/09
Another welcome for Disney
 Thanks to Wally for the photos!