Kidani Bus Depot Construction Photos

Animal Kingdom Villas

In the six months following its grand opening, one of the frequent member complaints about the Kidani Village complex at Disney's Animal Kingdom Villas has been the location of the resort's bus depot. Disney is now taking steps to address some of those concerns.

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Kidani Bus Depot Construction

While each of the bus stops has a covered enclosure, guests were required to physically exist the Kidani Village building and walk 30-40 feet before reaching the depots.  For those few moments, guests remained subject to the elements--often darting between raindrops in the humid Florida climate.

The new setup includes a covered walkway leading right into the Kidani Village building (see below.)

Kidani Bus Depot Construction


Kidani Bus Depot Construction


At least one additional bus depot is also being added to the setup.

Kidani Bus Depot Construction

During construction the temporary bus pick-up spot is in the Port Cochere immediately outside the resort's main entrance.