Polynesian Tower Construction Update - December 2022

Polynesian Villas

Check out the latest photos, as well as a monorail drive-by video of construction progress on the new Disney Vacation Club tower at Disney's Polynesian Village Resort

DVC Polynesian Tower

After months of land clearing, we now have the first signs of vertical construction on the new Polynesian tower. Visible in the image below are two steel beams installed close to the monorail track. 

DVC Polynesian Tower

Other images suggest concrete being poured for foundations. 

DVC Polynesian Tower

DVC Polynesian Tower

The full costruction site is visible with the existing Polynesian resort in the distance. 

DVC Polynesian Tower

Finally, check out our YouTube video showing a drive-by of the entire construction site.

The new Disney Vacation Club tower at Disney's Polynesian Village Resort is scheduled to open sometime in 2024.