More Treehouse Villas declared at SSR

Saratoga Springs Resort

On June 30, 2011, Disney Vacation Development (DVD) declared 6 more Treehouse Villas and 90,525 points for the Disney Vacation Club (DVC) inventory at Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa

This is the first declaration for Saratoga Springs since 30 Treehouse Villas--representing 452,625 points--were added to the sales inventory in January 2009.  

Additionally this new declaration suggests Disney Vacation Development is beginning to exhaust its supply of points in Units which were declared before the Treehouse Villas were added to the Saratoga Springs inventory in 2009. 

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Over the last 12 months DVD sold 131,057 Saratoga Springs points from the Treehouse Villas Units that were declared in January 2009, plus an additional 277,417 Saratoga Springs points from Units that were declared prior to 2009.

The 277,000 pre-2009 points were most likely re-acquired by DVD via mortgage defaults, foreclosures and its right of first refual on resale purchase offers.

Over the last three months, sales at Saratoga Springs have averaged over 65,000 points per month.  If sales continue the current pace, the latest declaration will add only about 6 weeks of inventory to DVD's sales supply.  Thus another declaration may be necessary before the end of August 2011.

With this latest declaration, DVD has now declared 36 of the 60 Treehouses Villas for the Vacation Club.