More Treehouse Villas declared at SSR
On June 30, 2011, Disney Vacation Development (DVD) declared 6 more Treehouse Villas and 90,525 points for the Disney Vacation Club (DVC) inventory at Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa.
On June 30, 2011, Disney Vacation Development (DVD) declared 6 more Treehouse Villas and 90,525 points for the Disney Vacation Club (DVC) inventory at Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa.
On July 1, 2011 the newly expanded Paddock pool deubuted at Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa. With it came a new all-day quick service dining location in the form of the Paddock Grill. So what is on the menu at the Paddock Grill? Click inside to check it out.
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As scheduled, the expanded and enhanced Paddock area pool opened today at Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa. Disney Vacation Club posted several photos of the new pool to its Facebook Page. Click inside to check them out.
The new Paddock feature pool at Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa is only a few days from its anticipated opening and has produced a 5 minute video showing off the area. Click inside to view.
Shortly after one pool re-opens at Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa, another will close for a 5 week refurbishment.
Disney is ramping-up to begin a refurbishment of guest rooms at Disney's Sartoga Springs Resort & Spa in 2012.